Sunday 7 February 2016

My skincare routine 2016//COLLAB WITH FLORAL BEE

Hello everyone,
I can't believe it's already been a month into 2016,it's gone soo fast!But anyway welcome to February and the first post this month shall be my skincare routine which is in fact a collab with one of my good blogger friends called Floral Bee who I met on Instagram.She will also be doing a skincare routine so head over to her blog if you want to take a look:

Before you read on I guess you would want me to clarify my skin type?...Well,it is generally quite oily-normal that is pretty acne prone since I'm in my earlyish teenage years,so I tend to try and steer clear of any products which contain oil thats also affordable and within someone my age 's typical price range.

Lastly,you may point out and realise when you finish reading this post that what I do is very straight forward and easy,that's because I heard somewhere(I believe it was Anastasia from the youtube channel Floral Princess)that simple was best so I have been giving it ago.

At the start of the day I wash my face with warm water and massage in Neotrogena's Visibly Clear pink grapefruit facial wash,this smells really good and refreshing which is perfect for waking me up on a sleepy morning.

However during the night I go for Clean & Clear's advantage spot control daily wash(using Garnier's micellar water beforehand to remove the majority of makeup first).I choose to use two different cleansers a day because it was recommended to do so in Clean & Clear's directions to only use it once a day,I'm guessing so the skin doesn't completely dry out like a desert since its pretty strong on pesky spots(I find my spots clear up after about 2 days with daily use of it).

After cleansing,I like to moisturise with either Clean and Clear's Advantage spot control or the dual action moisturiser to get my skin ready for makeup or to replenish it after a long day.

What do you use/do to take care of your skin?

♥ Daisy Petals ♥


  1. Every month/season I'm like 'I need a proper skin care routine' but never know what to buy! This is so helpful, great post ❤️ Bo xx

  2. I use the Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Visibly Clear face wash too! I also use the body shop seaweed and tea tree oil range sometimes, and simple! X
    Chloe ♡

    1. I've always wanted to give the tea tree oil range a try but have never got round to it,is it any good?I've used Simple products in the past but they weren't very effective :( x

  3. I've never used clean and clear, but I'll have to take a look at it now! xo

    1. You definitely should!All their products are designed to target spots + blackheads and the best thing?They really do work :) x

  4. I'd love to give the Neutrogena face wash a go, it sounds amazing! Xx

  5. I love all of the products especially the micellar water!

    1. The micellar water is fab-don't know what I'd do without it x

  6. awesome products! I would really like to try them out x
    I use a cleanser, a toner, and a moisturizer, kinda similar to you hehe

    1. what is micellar water specifically good for?

    2. what is micellar water specifically good for?

    3. Hi Hannah,you should definitely give them a go!Micellar water is a bit like a makeup wipe but in pure liquid form-so instead you pour a bit onto a cotton pad before you use it to remove makeup(what I personally specifically use it for),oil and impurities.You can use it anywhere on your face :) x
