Monday 28 September 2015

Blog Tour Award

Hello everyone,
I was really kindly nominated by The Pastel Style a week ago to do this tag,so thank you in advance if you're this reading right now!I'd highly recommend checking out her blog out here:

So as I understand the rules are...
- You must pass the tour onto at least four other bloggers.
- Give your nominees the rules and specify the Monday in which they should post their nomination answers
- Answer the four questions about your creative process, which allows other bloggers and visitors to understand what inspires you to do what you do.

I nominate(post this whatever time suits you by the way):

How does your blog differ from others in your genre?
I suppose its slightly unique in a way because all the content is my own and the opinions voiced are mine.

How does your writing/creative process work?
Throughout the week I will jot down any blogpost ideas I am inspired by from things like youtube videos for example or just anything I randomly come up with.Then once it reaches Wednesday,I will sit down along with a drink & snack and write it up.Right after that task is done,I set up a space to take any necessary pictures.The reason why I pick Wednesday is because my school lets us go home earlier so it means I have extra time.

Why do you write and create what you do?
I picked beauty blogging because I started getting into it after watching youtubers such as Zoella probably around just over 4 years ago(goodness me,sounds agess ago but its gone awfully fast not going to lie aha)and I have always enjoyed writing in school-I guess it just seemed like the perfect hobby.

What are you working on at the moment? 
Currently,I am testing out a Tanya Burr eyeshadow pallette so I can give a review on it in a few days(which I can't wait to share!).

♥ Daisy Petals ♥


  1. Thank you for doing this!

  2. Thanks for nominating me! Will hopefully do this soon & can't wait for the Tanya Burr eyeshadow palette review! xx

  3. Your blog is so lovely! I adore the layout and the colour scheme! Cant wait to read more of your posts!
    - Laura x
