Sunday 5 June 2016

10 thoughts I had when makeup-free

Hello everyone,
Let's face it,you either wear makeup regularly or you don't.I'm the type of girl who wears makeup regularly(in fact pretty much daily)and when I braced my 100 percent makeup free face for 2 entire weeks to the world on holiday,I learnt a few things.For that reason I thought I'd type up a post on my blog sharing 10 thoughts I had as I went through those days.

1."Wow,I should go makeup free more often-it's such a timesaver!"

2."Ew you can see all my spots,my uneven complexion,my eyebrows,yadiyadiyadah...yikes."

3."Blows nose,looks at tissue No makeup coming off I see,ahh no touch ups needed then."

4."Her mascara!Its all smudged and she looks a bit like a panda(no offence),poor girl.Smirks at least I don't have to worry about it happening to me."

5."Why can't my skin naturally be as flawless as her's?"

6."Is that person staring at the massive spot on my forehead?Thanks mother nature for making me have 'that time of the month' now."

7."Blimey,so glad to not be wearing makeup,my skins producing enough oil and sweat to fry an egg.My makeup would be sprinting down my face by now in this hot weather!"

8."So happy to know my skins 'breathing' and the pores aren't getting blocked with makeup."

9."No makeup on today equals less of a battle to get all the makeup off whilst I do my daily evening skincare regime-yay,less work!"

10."Can't wait to wear makeup again,I missed it."

What's one of the thoughts you have when you're makeup-free?Did you find anything relatable?

♥ Daisy Petals ♥


  1. Haha those are definitely the thoughts I have! For some reason I also notice people's makeup a lot more when I am makeup free so I also think 'wow how do they apply their makeup so well? I can't do that, what!'😂 Leonie x

  2. I don't wear make up everyday and when I do its only a little bit, but number 2 and number 5 always seem to pop up! Lovely post!
    Charlotte <3

    1. I wear quite minimal makeup but even then,especially without face makeup I do find myself feeling quite self conscious hehe ☺

  3. Lovely post! I can defiantly relate to when you blow your nose and no makeup comes off onto your tissue and that feeling of having no makeup on and you feel so happy because you can let your skin breathe! X


  4. I can totally relate to 4 & 5! I think this post is great as we all need to learn to love our selves with and without makeup.🌸💗

  5. Loved reading your thoughts! With or without makeup, you will always be beautiful!

    Najida | The Average Gurl

    1. Thank you Najida!What sweet comment you've left xx

  6. Cool post, it was interesting to read it hahah :) x

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  7. I dont wear makeup and I havr most of these thoughts on a regular basis, lovely post xx

  8. I can relate to 5 and 10 lmao! Great post as always <3 :)

    1. Aha I'm sure one day we'll both have flawless skin x

  9. Loved this post, I have definitely had a few of these thoughts when being makeup-free!
    Grace xx

  10. I can definitely relate to 6 and 8!xx

  11. Hello! I love your blog so much; you have a really beautiful design! I really liked what you said about your insecurities, its really brave to say these things on social media and it's important that we discuss these issues. It was good to see some diversity on beauty blogs, love discussion posts as they are much more interesting to read so it was really interesting to get a small insight to your mind. I have followed your blog because I think it’s so good!!! I would love it if you had a look at my blog; I’m a very passionate blogger but I’m quite new and really need the support! Perhaps we could become friends? Thank you so much, Jeani xxx

    1. A huge thanks from me!Its so nice to see such lovely feedback.I shall check out your blog asap xx
