Sunday 22 May 2016

My night routine:After school edition //COLLAB WITH VIEAVECCHARLOTTE

Hello everyone,
I'm currently pre-writing this post on a Monday after school and oh my goodness let me tell you how tired I am!I was soo close to falling asleep today during last period but luck was with me as the bell rang literally as I was about to do so(thanks bell for saving me the embarrassment!).Close call I'd say so I've definitely learnt my lesson;Don't go to bed at 12 pm unless it's a Friday or Saturday night...well basically if you're 100% free from school the next day.

This post is a collab so head over to my blogger friend's blog here: where Charlotte will give you a run down on her version.Please give her blog some love because from what I can tell, she puts a lot of effort into every regular post.

I hadn't done any morning or night routines on my blog before so I decided I would for this week's post and considering it's pretty much a classic,that it had to be done so here goes my attempt:

3:30:As soon as I get back home I always take my shoes off then head straight upstairs to my room.

3:32:Next I often dump my bag on the floor then hop to the bathroom to do my business.

3:38:Once I've been there and done that,I go back to my room and get changed.Most days I change into some plain black leggings and a grey hoodie(in other words,the ultimate casual outfit you can get I suppose hehe)but today they were in the wash so I ended just changing into some plain black jeans and a striped long sleeve turtle neck top,which practically everyone seems to own today(it's this exact one from H&M:

3:45:Most days I'm pretty hungry after school,so I always make sure I grab a snack from either downstairs or if I have any leftovers in my lunchbox,I eat those.The unfortunate leftover lunch from this particular day was a bruised apple,despite its rather dowdy appearance I ate most of it as I relaxed a bit and I watched a few Youtube videos.

4:30:By now on a typical day it will be time for dinner.Sound a bit early?I've grown up eating dinner each day at this time so I'm pretty used to it.

5:00:Later on I head back to my room to unpack my school bag and check my logbook(it's kind of like a diary).If there is any homework/revision do I will start then and continue for at least an hour and a half.Its possibly the worst part of my after school routine but hey,we've all got to do it at some point!

6:30:Whoo...after all that's done and out of the way for the evening I just like to check my social media whilst listening to some music.Currently I'm obsessed with
'One Dance ' by Drake along with 'Dangerous Woman' by Ariana Grande.

7:00:Then I open up my laptop to proceed onto starting it up(sometimes I may not need to however because I may of used it previously for homework).There's not really much of a routine on what I do on it but typically I'd just do a load of random stuff like check my blogging email or browse through some clothing stores like Topshop to see what new stuff they've got in.

7:30:Not going to lie,this is possibly my favourite part of an evening and that's watching Eastenders.I do sometimes watch Coronation Street too but extremely rarely resulting in me not finding it as enjoyable.

8:00:Boohoo,it's over.By this time I will begin to run myself a bath or just have a shower and wash my hair(don't worry I don't wash my hair everyday-only every other day because otherwise it would be kind of damaging).During my time in the bathroom,I will also do my skincare routine to remove all my makeup and of course brush my teeth.

8:30:Time to whip the hairdryer out because ain't nobody got time to sit around all night to wait for my hair to dry for like four hours straight*rolls eyes*.

8:45:Ta da!All done.Afterwards I slip into bed and mess around for a bit on my phone.

9:00:At around 9ish I will switch the lights off and turn on my lamp to begin a spot of reading.At the moment I'm reading Zoella's book,Girl Online:On Tour.

9:30:Lastly,I will watch a couple of Youtube videos on my phone.

10:00:The veryyy last task of my night is of course drifting off to sleep-my definite favourite part because it's probably the only time where I'm not under any stress from having to revise or having to over think things if you know what I mean.

What's the highlight of your after school/work night?

♥ Daisy Petals ♥


  1. I love this! My hair takes like 4 hours to dry as well! My highlight is probably when I've finished all my homework because I can do something I actually enjoy!
    Charlotte <3

    1. Thanks for collabing with me <33 Ah yes,feels like all the weights been lifted off your shoulders x

  2. Great post! Im also reading girl online on tour and so far its quite good! My highlight is getting into bed and just watching youtube until my eyes start to close! X


  3. Love the way you took these pics! x
    Morgan |

    1. Just tagged you in a post lovely!
      Morgan x

    2. Just tagged you in a post lovely!
      Morgan x

    3. Thank you,I'll check it out right away :)

  4. love the idea of this post! well done :)

  5. I swear we're like the same person! Watching Eastenders is a must, I have to re-watch episodes on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday ❤️ Bo xx

  6. this collab is such a cute idea!!
    - ikky xo //

  7. Thank you :) I'd love to follow your two blog's x
