Sunday 3 July 2016

My adult checklist

Hello everyone,
Growing up eh?It's a funny subject,some of us can't wait and leap at the mention of it and well others?...I suppose they dread it.

Knowing one day you're going to be thrown into the adult life seems pretty scary as a teenager,I mean after all there's no more security of mum and dad,the bank of mum and dad or mum and dad's free taxi service!The list could go on,growing up for most means learning to rely on yourself and of course heaps of responsibilities.

A while ago I stumbled upon the site called Personal Capital after someone recommended their services to me and I was thrilled!The site was easy to follow,easy to use and most of all professional.I was inspired to create this post after realising that once we grow up whilst adulthood is fun and independence is exiting,we must always keep an eye on the future.

I knew the majority of my readers were teenagers themselves going through the woe of this transition so jumped at the idea-I wanted to help you all understand what to expect and give a little reassurance after doing some research(so you don't have to yourself)and create a little guide for myself.

Finish education with good grades
It's important to of course finish school with the best possible grades,without any qualifications you would be limited to a number of skills and the type of jobs you could be able to do would certainly not be endless.The job market is competitive and whatever you aspire to be(whether that's a cleaner to a doctor),if someone else has proven themselves better and a hard worker on their CV or whatnot you know for sure you won't stand a chance at receiving the "prize".

Get a stable job/career
Completely forget independence and a comfortable life all together if you don't find a job!Think of it as a baseline to all the 'extras' that come with it;jobs enable you to move out,pay bills,buy necessities(like medicine or shampoo),buy treats-whether thats a small or big splurge etc.

Move out
One day I would love to move out,although realistically it's unlikely that I'd move out into a huge,beautifully furbished house with posh chandeliers hanging from high ceilings the first time.I reckon I would most probably have to share a flat of some sort with roommates as you do commonly when most begin uni-I'm not ruling it out myself for certain though.

Catch up with family on a regular basis
For instance,once you fly the nest(as they say)you'll no longer be with your parents or siblings 24/7 so what do you do?Pop by for a visit,invite them out for meals,have tea and coffee together and just make new memories you can cherish.

Maintain a good relationship with friends-old & new
When I was in primary school I always imagined that I would be friends forever and ever with all the wonderful girls I'd mess around with in class and on the playground(sometimes boys too!)but when I left and began high school I drifted away from quite a few.It was a shame but everyone changes overtime.I hope in the future I can maintain a nice relationship with old friends but be prepared to 'let them go'.As for new friends,I look forward to meeting them in the future.

Begin dating and meet potential new spouses 
Most people look for a soul mate(okay,okay I know it sounds cringy aha)when they're older because they simply want to settle down.When I'm a grown,responsible adult I would absolutely love to have a family of my own with someone who really makes me happy.

Be responsible with money
This is an extremely important topic in my opinion because money can be responsible for a lot of things since we depend heavily on it,we all need it to survive in the modern world I guess...manage and budget it correctly and its usually fine.

The best rule to follow when the pay check rolls round in my opinion is to spend the majority of it on bills/essentials(i.e food),put some into a savings account and have about £10-£30(or depending on how much you earn and can afford)on treats like a new top or going out with a mate.

Personal Capital offers an amazing tool that can help keep all your finances on track should you need it here:

as well as a net worth tracker:

...Oh and did I mention they're both completely free too?Fab stuff!

Travel & see more of the world
Travelling sounds spectacular and fun,I can't wait to see more of the world one day because every country is so different.If you're a really opened minded person willing to respect other people's cultures then this would be the perfect opportunity for you.I think if I could pick any place to go to,it would be probably somewhere really,really different like India because I'd enjoy seeing the "other side of the world" that isn't considered particularly touristic or even the Maldives which has a mountain full of great Instagram worthy photo opportunities.

Stay fit and healthy
When you're older and no longer attend primary or high school,it's unlikely that anyone will try and force you to do PE(at least)once a week.So what do you do?You have the choice of either not eating healthy and doing little to no exercise or getting your sh*t together and looking after your health.

Being healthy can really benefit people by preventing health conditions like diabetes,metabolism syndrome and even mental health conditions such as depression.

So now you know my adult checklist,are you ready to create your's?

♥ Daisy Petals ♥


  1. This is so helpful! I'm to scared to be an adult and I feel like time is going to fast! This post has put me at ease a little because now I know what to expect. Thank you for such an amazing post xx

    Najida | The Average Gurl

    1. Aw I'm really glad this post gave you a little reassurance x

  2. this is such a good post! especially the parts about keeping up with family and friends!
    Chloe :)

  3. Aw I loved this post, I think growing up shows you the reality of all of the responsibilities that you have to deal with which is why it is scary to me because there is so much to manage especially when it comes to money. I also want to travel more, I think travelling is one of the best things!☺ Leonie x

    1. Thanks Leonie,growing up does sound scary at first but I'm sure one day we'll both[somehow]get used to it aha x

  4. This was exactly what I was thinking the other day, wondering what it would be like in the future having to deal with things such as paying the bills & managing my own money. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's scared of growing up! xx

    1. Ahh trust me,we're all wondering about the questionable future hehe ☺♥

  5. This is really interesting to read, as a teenager! I definitely want to travel the world when I'm older as well.

    Mind checking out my latest - it's all about my recent adventures in Poland!

    Alice x

    1. Travelling sounds amazing!And of course I would lovely x

  6. I'm that person that dreads growing up hehe! Loved this post though xx
    Morgan |

  7. Such a unique but interesting post! I am scared of becoming an adult and being thrown straight into the deep end! I will definitely use these tips when I do become and adult! X


  8. I would love to travel so much! Such a lovely post x

  9. This is a lovely post! I am scared to turn into an adult as it looks like a lot of work and stress!

    Amy xx

  10. This is very practical advice. I think you touch on some things that are often overlooked especially on the stable job front. You have to pay your dues in order to live the life of your dreams. Great post.

    I look forward to more of your posts. Following you now.

  11. Love the meaning of this post, very useful and I hope things so to plan :)

  12. I loved readinf this post, I certainly do not know how to be responsible with money because I always go and spend my money on clothes and makeup! X

    1. Haha,its okay we've both got a few more years to learn ;D

  13. Such a cool post idea! Gosh, adulthood feels so close yet I want to put it off!! Lily xx

    1. Thank you,you should give it a go too!Ikr,its crazy fast time goes x

  14. I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post. Now you make it easy for me to understand and implement the concept. Thank you for the post.
