Sunday 7 August 2016

Get to know me tag + 1 year blog anniversary

Hello everyone,
On the 23rd of July I would have celebrated my first ever year of blogging.At the time I was a teenager who had just finished a year in school and wanted a simple creative outlet to share my love of writing about beauty,fashion,life,homeware & everything and anything I liked to keep me entertained over the 6 week summer holidays.

Fast forward to the 23rd of July 2016(well 7th of August to be precise aha)and surprisingly I'm still at it but with a small change.I no longer blog with the readers only being me and a close friend,I now have been privileged enough to write my blog for 32 followers to see amongst others who may pop by occasionally and be kind enough to take the time to comment.

1 year amounts to 365 days and in that time I have also received 5000 page views from almost all over the world including America,Spain,China etc,over 300 comments and in addition,really cool opportunities-These include being able to collab on posts whilst building awesome relationships with a vast array of bloggers and being asked to write a post for a company. 

I want to give each and everyone of you a huge hug and a big thanks for making this 1 year of blogging so enjoyable.*Raises glass*Here's to another year of this amazing hobby!

Furthermore,as a result of me feeling this post wasn't quite complete with a few short paragraphs I though I would do the 'Get to Know me tag'because I felt I haven't ever really been very close and personal being purposely anonymous and everything.The tag was inspired by Morgan from the blog Just Morgs after she tagged me so please do check her and her stunning photography out:

How old are you?
I'm 14 years old.

Tea or Coffee?
Tea all the way!!Ugh,I hate coffee(it's way too strong for me unless it's loaded with am unhealthy amount of sugar).

Are you allergic to anything?
Nope,nothing at all of of yet!

Favourite social media?
Probably snapchat because I find it least stressfull since you don't have to worry about themes,likes,folowers and so on.

Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Nothing beats a good ol' greasy English fry up with sausages,eggs,tomatoes...ohh I could go on forever but we don't want any hungry readers(or just me lol)dribbling all over their computer screens.

Favourite Youtubers?

Favourite bloggers?
I think I might do a post on my favourite bloggers soon but one blogger I enjoy reading is Hannah Gale because I absolutly adore her writing style.

Do play any instruments?
I used to play the trumpet and the recorder but I gave up a long time ago which kind of makes me sad to be honest.

Are you a righty or a lefty?
Apparently when I first started writing I would use my left hand,although my family taught me to write with my right hand so I'm now officially right handed I guess.

Do you remember your dreams?
Unfortunately not :( I wish I did but as soon as I wake up I forget them.

City girl or country girl?
This gal prefers the city!

Do you have any siblings?
Yup,I have the world's most annoying brother.

Can you whistle?
Nope and never have been able to*cries*.

Lush vs Bath and Body Works?
Hah well this is an easy question considering I live in the UK...Lush duh.

Favourite season?
Spring because the weather isn't too hot or cold.

What's your least favourite school subject?
I used to hate maths however though,when I began high school I somehow began to find it less challenging.These days I hate chemistry since I dispise having to memorise formulas and symbols off by heart-the subjects such a pain in the neck!

Do you sing in the shower?
No strangely enough,even though pretty much everyone else does.I think it's mainly because I live with my family still so it's kind of awkward if you get what I mean.

Favourite food?
My favourite food has probably got to be the heavenly Italian food like pizza,spaghetti and pasta.

How do you vent your anger? 
In my opinion I'm a pretty calm person so I tend to just keep it in,which I suppose isn't the best as it can just bottle up.

Converse vs Vans?
Hmm,probably converse because they're really comfy(eh so are Vans though aha).

I hope you all learnt a bit more about me in this post and if you would like to find out even more just drop me down some questions in the comment section,I shall reply to all asap!The people I would love to know more about are:

Feel free to do this tag yourself if I haven't nominated you and nominees on the other hand,you do not have to complete the tag if you do not wish to but if you do,don't forget to let me know!Love you all loads xx

♥ Daisy Petals ♥


  1. It was nice getting to know you a bit more! Congrats on one year of blogging, there will be many more years to come☻ Thank you for the tag too, Leonie x

    1. Thank you lovley,I tagged you specifically because you've been a huge support!x

  2. You seem like such a lovely person, it was nice getting to know you! and congratulations on blogging for a year too ;) xx

  3. Congrats on one year of bloggging! I hope that you keep blogging for many years ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  4. Thanks for tagging me love and congrats on the one year anniversary! It feels so surreal that you've been blogging for that long! xx

    1. No problem and ikr,time just flies by these days! xx

  5. Happy blogiversary! This is the first time on your blog and I loved getting to now you :)

    Sarah | What Sarah Writes

  6. Happy blogiversary, I think I'm your 31st view from Germany haha. I also love Lush & Italian food and I'm a city girl all the way - I enjoy being at the seaside and sometimes in the countryside but cities just offer so many opportunities xx

    1. Whoo,thank you for being my 31st view then aha ;D I have the exact same feeling about types of places xxx

  7. Happy Blog Anniversary!

    Parie x

  8. Wow! What an accomplishment to have achieved a year! Your story really is inspiring and proves that you can start small with a result of gaining something big. Congrats! It's great how your blog readers are INTERNATIONAL!

    Ps: LOVE your blog!

    #sweetreats xxx

    1. Thanks sweetie!I look forward to seeing this space on the web expand even further :) x

  9. Happy blog anniversary, this is so amazing! Such a lovely post, I really enjoyed reading it xx

  10. Happy 1 Year Of Blogging! Loved getting to know you more xo

  11. This was so interesting, love reading these sorts of posts! I bet your blog will grow to become huge! Congrats!

    1. Aw thank you,that was so nice of you to say that x
